Hexalobular Stud

About this product

The Hexalobular Stud (#90126A0004), a crucial auto part in Toyota's Engine-Fuel/Cylinder Block system, has a fundamental role in securing various components together within the engine. Its unique six-lobed design allows for a superior torque transfer, enhancing the stability of the system while in operation. The genuine Hexalobular Stud (#90126A0004)s, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, ensure that your vehicle experiences optimal compatibility and performance. However, like all mechanical parts, they are subject to wear and tear over time. A worn or damaged Hexalobular Stud (#90126A0004) may compromise the integrity of the engine, potentially leading to costly repairs. Reliable and high-performing, the Hexalobular Stud (#90126A0004) significantly contributes to the overall efficiency of the engine system, providing a secure, vibration-resistant fastening solution. Regular replacement of this component maintains the safety and reliability of your Toyota vehicle.